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Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Agricultural Association was organized in 1918. The promotional work for the organization of the SCFBAA was started by the members of the Farmers Institute and the Wichita Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the extension service of Kansas State College. The campaign was started in January 1918, and by June of that year, 279 charter members had been secured. Over the last 99 years, Sedgwick County Farm Bureau has developed programs and activities to promote agriculture and educate our membership, which has grown to over 11,000 members.
Our mission is to strengthen agriculture and the lives of Kansans through advocacy, education and service. SCFBAA is one of 105 a county Farm Bureau organizations--one in each of Kansas’ 105 counties--and we are the grassroots organization in the state. County volunteers in Sedgwick county and across the state provide more than 5,000 hours of service in their communities annually.
The SCFB is advised by a group of board members that is compromised of Farm Bureau voting members who serve a six-year term. Board members are elected to represent a designated district in the county and can also serve as committee chairs.
2023-2024 Board of Directors (left to right): Joseph Neville, Michael Speer, Zach Simon, Ashton Schneider, Vin Kissick, Joy Carp, Troy Lorenz,
Heidi Wells, Jason Jelinek, Dave Dejmal
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