
Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Agricultural Association awards up to six scholarships every year. Four scholarships are for students attending a four-year college or university with priority to those enrolled at Kansas institutions. These scholarships have an annual value of $1,000.00, renewable for three additional years, for a potential value of $4,000.00 each. Two scholarships will be for students attending a two-year college or vocational school. These scholarships have an annual value of $500.00 renewable for one additional year, for a potential value of $1,000.00 each. Applications are due to the office no later than March 1, 2025. If you would like to join Farm Bureau to apply you can do so here: www.kfb.org/join
Click here to download a hard copy of the application.
Complete Scholarship Guidelines
Application Criteria:
Applicant must be a high school senior.
Applicant or their parent(s) must be a current member in good standing of the Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Agriculture Association. The membership must have been in effect before the scholarship submission deadline.
Should the Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Agriculture Association membership lapse during the term of the scholarship, the scholarship will terminate.
Applicants must have a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 or better.
Applications must be received in the Farm Bureau office by March 1 of the award year, unless otherwise indicated.
Applications, along with the scholarship guidelines, will be sent to all Sedgwick County high schools, FFA chapters, and 4-H clubs. It will also be available at scfbaa.org and in hard copy at the Farm Bureau office. When using the electronic application, please maintain the same format and length of the application.
In the awarding of the scholarships, preference will be give in order:
Applicants who will enroll in agriculture, family and consumer science, nutrition or related fields deemed appropriate by scholarship committee.
Applicants who will attend a Kansas college, university, or technical school.
Candidates who have a good working knowledge of the Sedgwick County Farm Bureau Agriculture Association.
The Scholarship Committee will review all applications, keeping in mind the above priorities, and select finalists to be interviewed.